Good Morning everybody!
Hope everyone is having a great day! Thanks for the kind comments on my last post! Very excited to have a new blog! Just wanted to share some encouraging words with you this morning and tell you a little about what I have.  I have been diagnosed with Dysautonomia which has been caused from a genetic disorder called Mitochondrial disorder.  Now I know those are some big words, basically my autonomic nervous system does not function properly which controls all involuntary functions of the body.  This is a chronic disease although I believe in the HEALER! He is my SAVIOUR! HE can heal me from these illnesses! Please pray for earthly healing!
Now to give you all some encouraging words for today...  The Lord created us and HE knows everything about us from how many hairs we have on our head to the health problems we have to our worries and our dreams and even what shampoo is our favorite! How amazing to think about!!! As you go about your day remember Who created you and how much HE loves you! He knows absolutely everything about you and your life and HE cares! We are all someone so special and important to our wonderful Heavenly Father! HE longs to be our best friend! How amazing!
Luke 12:7-"But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."
AND AGAIN! in Matthew 10:30-31- "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows."
He loves us so much..
Have a beautiful and blessed day!


  1. Makes me think of Psalm 139 favorite! Amazing to think about!!

    1. Yes! That is so true! Love Psalm 139! How awesome our GOD is! :)

  2. Awe Sweetie! What a beautiful post and thanks for sharing yourself with others. I am praying for you and yes you are right. Our Lord is the ultimate healer! I have found in my personal life that sometimes God has chosen to heal me in other ways and not necessarily with physical healing. While yet I still suffered there was a spiritual healing. God has a plan for our lives. And sweet girl...HE does indeed know every stand of hair that lies upon our heads.....Hugs and blessings, Cindy....P.S. You have an amazing Aunt Anita too!

    1. Thank you so very much! You have been so encouraging! Thank you for following my blog! Our God is amazing and I know HIS plan is perfect!

  3. Oh, and I am your newest follower sweetie. Cindy

  4. Prayers for healing. Thank you for your encouraging words!Chronic illness is tough, I have chronic severe asthma,sometimes I think OK enough!praying for you.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragment and prayers! Both are very appreciated!

  5. Hi Rebekah, I found your blog through Far Above Rubies. My daughter Ashley has Dysautonomia as well. She is 23. We have had some really tough times since she was diagnosed several years ago. Our faith gets us through. Praying for you, as I can personally relate to your struggles. God has a plan and a purpose for your life.

    1. How cool to meet someone else who has Dysautonomia! Does she also have Posteral Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome? Or what type Dysautonomia does she have? Thank you so much for your prayers! Our God is healer! Praying for your daughter!


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