Psalm 34

Hi All,
     I would like to take a break from the "Are you serving on your mission field" posts, and we will come back to those very soon!
     Today I would like to share with you a passage of Scripture that the Lord has shown me the past few days, and it is just so full of hope!   The passage is Psalm 34 and if you are not familiar with it, or even if you are, I encourage you to go read through it.  It is not a long chapter, but one that you will find hope in!  There are several things about the chapter that I would like to point out.  I also have a Life Application Bible and this helps so much sometimes bring Application to your daily life.  Look into finding one of these if you do not already own one!
     Anyway, the chapter speaks about God delivering us from our fears, troubles, broken hearts.  It reminds us that God is good and that we must trust in HIM! You see, if you want Him to deliver you, you must beleive that He can.  This is something that we as humans are so guilty of...we ask the Lord for something and then do not beleive that He can do it.  This is not good at can God still do what you asked? Yes, but you must beleive!  Verse 14 says; "Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." In verse 14, we are reminded to get away from evil, do what you know is right, look for peace and make sure you do not give up until you find it.  And where can you find true peace? Only in GOD!   He then tells us again in verse 17 that He is delivering us from all our troubles! Wow! A second time in the same chapter, once in verse 6 and again in verse 17. I love what God says in verse 22...listin to this... "The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate."  So He is saying He can redeem you and if you have accepted Him as Savior and confessed that you are a sinner and asked HIM to save you then you are already redeemed! And He says the redeemed that trust Him....will NEVER be desolate which means "guilty." And you trust Him to save you and redeem you so trust Him with your everyday life! We all need to remember to do that! What a great picture of His sweet love for us! I mean He has redeemed us and we are no longer guilty because JESUS paid the price for our sins and took our punishment on Himself! Remember this as you go about your days! You are redeemed by the blood of Jesus! Can I hear an Amen?!

You all have a fantastic weekend and remember to share God's love! And go read Psalm 34 for some awesome encouragement!


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